Press Release

Burns & Levinson Partner Jerry Cohen Re-Elected President of Massachusetts Bar Foundation

February 11, 2013

Jerry Cohen, Esq. of Burns & Levinson LLP has been re-elected President of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation. Mr. Cohen has over 50 years of experience as a lawyer and is a partner in the firm’s Business Litigation, Corporate, Intellectual Property, and Science & Technology practices. He has also served as an expert witness, arbitrator and mediator in numerous intellectual property matters. The Massachusetts Bar Foundation (MBF) is the Commonwealth’s premiere legal charity. Founded in 1964, the MBF is the philanthropic partner of the Massachusetts Bar Association. Through its grant-making and charitable activities, the MBF works to increase access to justice for all Massachusetts citizens. The Foundation also supports programs that improve the administration of justice. Mr. Cohen is a member of the American Bar Association, the American Intellectual Property Law Association, the Boston Patent Law Association, Massachusetts Bar Association and Rhode Island Bar Association. He has served on the United States Patent Quarterly Advisory Board since 1987 and is currently on the Board of Editors for both the Massachusetts Law Review and the Rhode Island Bar Journal. Mr. Cohen also holds adjunct faculty positions at Suffolk University Law School and Roger Williams University Law School. He is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and George Washington University Law School.

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