
Child Sex Abuse Articles & Resources

June 21, 2022


Timothy J. Conlon represents several former student-athletes of North Kingstown High School who have accused former basketball coach Aaron Thomas of inappropriate conduct. 

Select Articles

“‘Worst teacher I ever had’: Former Davisville Middle School student speaks out against former teacher,” The Boston Globe, October 2022

“Town council questions school department’s new policies following ‘naked fat test’ investigation,” The Boston Globe, September 2022

“Aaron Thomas, former North Kingstown coach, charged with child molestation and sexual assault,” The Providence Journal, July 2022

“Aaron Thomas ‘adamantly denies criminal conduct whatsoever’ in naked fat test case, says attorney,” ABC6, August 2022

“Coach Allegedly Molested Students by Making Them Strip Naked Under Pretext of Measuring Body Fat,” People, July 2022

“‘A tremendous shift’: attorney for alleged victims speaks out on Aaron Thomas charges,” ABC6, July 2022

“2 more North Kingstown coaches were inappropriate with students, lawyer tells US attorney’s office,” The Boston Globe, July 2022

“Another former North Kingstown student sues school committee over ex-coach Aaron Thomas and naked ‘fat tests’,” The Boston Globe, June 2022

“Kenyon Resigns, Saying He Did ‘Nothing Wrong,’” The Provincetown Independent, June 2022

“U.S. Attorney’s Office asked for a second time to investigate NK handling of a coach facing allegation,” The Providence Journal, April 2022

“North Kingstown School District in R.I. ‘lost control’ of star coach Aaron Thomas, new federal complaint alleges,” The Boston Globe, January 2022

“School allowed coach to ‘cultivate an open secret’ around naked fat tests, complaint to feds says,” Target 12, January 2022

“Judge orders former North Kingstown coach Aaron Thomas to turn over records related to fat testing,” The Globe Globe, December 2021

“North Kingstown Town Council votes to hire outside counsel to review investigation of coach Aaron Thomas,” The Boston Globe, November 2021

“‘The first time I fat tested was 13 years old’: Lawyer shares documents from former student-athletes about North Kingstown coach Aaron Thomas,” The Boston Globe, November 2021

“NKHS Coach Aaron Thomas’ fat test consent forms don’t say anything about nudity,” The Boston Globe, November 2021

“Attorney for Former North Kingstown Coach: ‘Aaron Thomas Adamantly Denies Any Unlawful Conduct,'” ABC6, November 2021

“Why was coach Aaron Thomas hired at Monsignor Clarke School after being forced to resign from North Kingstown?,” The Boston Globe, November 2021

“North Kingstown School officials told coach Aaron Thomas to stop private ‘body fat tests’ in 2018,” The Boston Globe, November 2021

Timothy J. Conlon also represents a student in a similar case against a North Kingstown teacher accused of inappropriate behavior.

Select Articles

Featured in “Watching the Watchers,” This American Life episode 781, October 2022

“What was it like in the ‘pedo database’ teacher’s class? ‘Very, very tense,’ a former student says,” The Boston Globe, October 2022

“Students who kept ‘pedo database’ heralded as heroes while experts say the middle school failed them,” The Boston Globe, September 2022

“Rhode Island middle school boys take down teacher who allegedly harassed their female classmates,” Fox News, September 2022

“A Rhode Island teacher is on leave after a group of middle-school boys who thought he was a ‘creep’ used a ‘pedo database’ to keep track of how he interacted with girls in their class,” Insider, September 2022

“The middle school boys thought their teacher was a ‘creep.’ So they tracked how he treated the girls,” The Boston Globe, September 2022

“Attorney Tim Conlon – North Kingstown Teacher/Coach Allegedly Acting Inappropriately Towards a Female Student,” The Matt Allen Show (Podcast), September 2022

Resources & Support

Day One | Hotline: 1.800.494.8100

Sexual Assault & Trauma Center of Rhode Island

Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation (SESAME)

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